Ok, we'll help you make that decision! You will witness a very unique event this Earth Day in Nashville April 22nd @ Exit/In. A circle of 25+ Music City artists, poets, and musicians came together under the direction of Ya Za, and Jonathan Winstead to create this album. Proceeds from the live Earth Day event and the actual CD (We Will Not Ignore... Songs in the Key of Humanity) that will be released on Per Capita will go to benefit HESP Children www.hespchildren.org.
RSVP on the event's facebook page and please tell your family and friends because we want to turn this thing out!
Follow PER CAPiTA on facebook, twitter, myspace to catch our updates.
RSVP on the event's facebook page and please tell your family and friends because we want to turn this thing out!
Follow PER CAPiTA on facebook, twitter, myspace to catch our updates.